例句1:He was a man who for some reason or other never seemed to fit in.
翻譯成短句:He was a man who never fit in.
在這個例子中,我們可以把 “for some reason or other” 翻譯為 “never”,這樣可以減少文本冗余,保持語言簡潔。
例句2:The book, which is a work of fiction, tells the story of a young girl who is orphaned and must learn to fend for herself in a hostile world.
翻譯成短句:The book tells the story of a young girl who is orphaned and must learn to fend for herself in a hostile world.
在這個例子中,我們可以去掉 “which is a work of fiction”,讀者可以通過閱讀內容了解到這是一部小說。
例句1:My dog is big. He is brown. He has floppy ears.
合并成長句:My dog is big, brown, and has floppy ears.
在這個例子中,通過使用并列連詞 “and”,可以將三個短句合并成一個長句,讓句子更加流暢。
例句2:I like to read. I read all kinds of books. I read in my spare time.
合并成長句:I like to read all kinds of books in my spare time.
在這個例子中,我們可以去掉重復的動詞 “read”,并使用從句來描述所讀的書籍類型和閱讀時間,這樣可以讓句子更加簡潔明了。