Not that I love the chrysanthemum, but when it opened, there is no other flower in the open.
I like chrysanthemum, not only because of its beautiful appearance, thought it is not afraid of the Ao wind, in the winter, all the flowers fade, only it is the cold winter, adding a beautiful. Would rather hold incense sticks on the old, with yellow leaves will not follow the wind dance.
菊花名句、古詩一瞥 描寫菊花詩句名句一瞥 ⑴ 秋叢繞舍似陶家,遍繞籬邊日漸斜. 不是花中偏愛菊,此花開盡更無花. (元稹《菊花》) ⑵ 颯颯西風滿院栽,蕊寒香冷蝶難來. 他年我若為青帝,報與桃花一處開. (黃巢《題菊花》) ⑶ 待到秋來九月八,我花開盡百花殺. 沖天香陣透長安,滿城盡帶黃金甲. (黃巢《菊花》) ⑷ 王孫莫把比蓬蒿,九日枝枝近鬃毛. 露濕秋香滿池岸,由來不羨瓦松高. (鄭谷《菊》) ⑸ 寂寞東籬濕露華,依前金靨照泥沙. 世情兒女無高韻,只看重陽一日花. (范曾大《重陽后菊花三首》) ⑹ 過了登高菊尚新,酒徒詩客斷知聞. 恰如退士垂車后,勢利交親不到門. (范曾大《重陽后菊花三首》) ⑺ 羞與春花艷冶同,殷勤培溉待西風. 不須牽引淵明此,隨分籬邊要幾叢. (劉克莊《菊》) ⑻ 花開不并百花叢,獨立疏籬趣味濃. 寧可枝頭抱香死,何曾吹墮北風中! (鄭思肖《寒菊》) ⑼ 瘦菊依階砌,檐深承露難. 莫言根蒂弱,翻足奈秋寒. (陳佩《瘦菊為小婢作》) ⑽ 土花能白又能紅,晚節由能愛此工. 寧可抱香枝上老,不隨黃葉舞秋風. (朱淑真《黃花》) 陶淵明 飲酒-其五∶ 結廬在人境,而無車馬喧.問君何能爾?心遠地自偏.采菊東籬下,悠然見南山. 山氣日夕佳,飛鳥相與還.此中有真意,欲辨已忘言. 鄭板橋在《畫菊與某官留別》中寫道:“進又無能退又難,宦途踞蹐不堪看.吾家頗有東籬菊,歸去秋風耐歲寒.” 冷吟秋色詩千首,醉酹寒香酒一杯”是大文學家曹雪芹的心境 李清照以菊花自比,寫下了“東籬把酒黃昏后,有暗香盈袖.莫道不消魂,簾卷西風,人比黃花瘦黃巢:“颯颯西風滿院栽,蕊寒香冷蝶難來.他年我若為青帝,報與桃花一處開” 唐代詩人 和令狐相公玩白菊 劉禹錫 家家菊盡黃,梁園獨如霜.瑩靜真琪樹,分明對玉堂. 仙人披雪氅,素女不紅裝.粉蝶來難見,麻衣拂更香. 向風搖羽扇,含露滴瓊漿.高艷遮銀井,繁枝覆象床. 桂叢慚并發,梅蕊妒先芳.一人瑤華詠,從此播樂章. 菊 袁崧 靈菊植幽崖,擢穎凌寒飆. 春露不染色,秋霜不改條. 重陽席上賦白菊 白居易 滿園花菊郁金黃,中有孤叢色似霜. 還似今朝歌酒席,白頭翁人少年場.。
Chrysanthemum condolences meaning from abroad Few people realize that, like chrysanthemum grave expression of love with Rose, mainly a matter of fact, “West goes East,” the results; and fewer people will know that the Chinese chrysanthemum from all over the world. Europe’s Dictionary on “Chrysanthemum” is about 17 at the end of the century the Dutch business will be introduced from China, the chrysanthemum into the 18th century France, before the mid-19th century was the introduction of Latin America 。
so that 。 all over the world. In Europe, most of the chrysanthemum plant is the cemetery, as Europe’s traditional culture is that the burial of chrysanthemum flowers, if friends or guests, the flowers should never be carried. In Latin America, the chrysanthemum has “spent demon.” Can be seen in the West. There are news reports that China’s exports to a large number of chrysanthemum east Japan, to create a good economic benefits. Separated by a sea away, they catch the preservation of the high transport costs, profit was also quite good; This is due to Japan’s Chrysanthemum demand resulting in large demand in Japan. In Japan, even the death of an ordinary person, often to the use of the two 30,000 chrysanthemum; not to mention a cemetery for the annual Chrysanthemum demand. With different foreign countries, chrysanthemum in the Chinese traditional culture has two implications, one of high integrity; Second, the good fortune and longevity. Taoism and the “natural Shifa” On the contrary, the Confucian culture is about, “Peter” and subjective to the natural landscape in order to correspond to human behavior. Chrysanthemum Lingshuang and that is to put it, the west wind off the non-characters and their “do more with flowers bloom” tolerance has been given the Jianzhenbuqu noble sentiment. In addition, the daisy open in September, “Nine” is the largest single-digit number, known as the “to” and “yang”, which Shuangyang Xiangdie Chrysanthemum and the Chung Yeung Festival on September 9, be given the good fortune, longevity Meaning. “Picking Dong-Ju” in order to get fresh chrysanthemum of the effectiveness of health care, “leisurely southern mountains” to look after the “Shoubinanshan” was conveyed. We can see that based on the ancient Chrysanthemum or appreciate the blessings of living persons; now is the memory of their old friends. In fact, as well as chrysanthemum flowers and trees of any meaning is given by the people, culture and habits are constantly changing; respected personality in this era, we need to think independently and to choose. If you like the chrysanthemum, so be it, like the ancients, like a bouquet set on a desk?。
英[kr?’s?nθ?m?m; -z-];美[kr?’s?nθ?m?m]
n. 菊花
例:People held parties, drank chrysanthemum liquor to celebrate it.
例:He fed it chrysanthemum petals and tended to its wounds until it was strong enough to fly.
1、sweetening chrysanthemum 甜葉菊
2、chrysanthemum structure 菊花狀組織
3、Chrysanthemum Green 菊花綠
5、chrysanthemum garden 菊圃
n. 向日葵
例:You are my sunflower I am not your sun.
例:Sunflower until you die, it will only toward the Sun.
n. 花;青春;旺盛
vt. 使開花;使茂盛
vi. 開花;茂盛
例:This plant blooms between May and June.
例:The sweet fragrance of the white blooms makes this climber a favourite.
Chrysanthemums inject a splash of colour into late summer and autumn borders, and come in a wide range of sizes, shapes and colours. They’re often still going strong within weeks of Christmas, and outlast almost everything else in cold, wet conditions.
Autumn comes, brought the beautiful angel – tears. Today, my mother and I go to the park chrysanthemum appreciation, I walked into a park can smell tempting scent. Look, it to open more enthusiastic, how is bold and unrestrained, red in full swing, powder is delicate elegance, yellow glittering and blackish green, violet。
Tears are very beautiful!。